Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Baking Voyeurism

Ahhhh Yeah!! The sweet smell of baked treats on a cool autumn eve is enough to make a guy shout with glee and click his heels. Okay, that may be going a bit far, but nonetheless, I do enjoy walking through the door to a house perfumed with cocoa-ee goodness. That's right. I said it, cocoa-ee goodness! I say this because 90% of the time my wife is baking, chocolate is the star of the show, and thank God for that. Chocolate is an 'all season ingredient' in my house and rightfully so. I'm not going to try and pretend that throwing down 3 ultra rich brownies in a single sitting is healthy in the slightest. But sometimes, it just needs to be done. Can I get an 'amen' from the chocolate lovin' congregation?!

Anyway, I'm getting off track here, did you really expect a focused and concise blog from yours truly? As I was saying, my wife is a skilled practitioner with the baking sheet. Since my level of skill is basically tossing some 'break and bake' cookies in the oven and hoping for the best, I rely on her to satisfy my sweet tooth and chocolate cravings. Let me just say that she has yet to let me down. From moist Chocolate Guinness Cake to perfect choclate chip cookies that are chewy, sweet and with a just a hint of salt, there is nothing better than to veg out and await with great anticipation her latest baked creation. During this ridiculously long period of time I have to ask myself..."will I ever be as deftly precise with the dough and oven as my wife?" Not likely. But that is okay, we all have our specialty. I'm a great eater of food, and a really solid drinker of liquids.

A former co-worker of mine once offered me some advice, he said, "Jer, do yourself a favor and marry rich". Well allow me to retort. I say, marry someone who makes a killer chocolate cake!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you married me because im hawt. DUH.