Saturday, January 3, 2009

A New Beginning

It seemed only fitting to start the new year in ironic fashion. Ironic you say? Well, yeah. Because the last time I actually blogged was at the beginning of my summer vacation last year (Vacation Blast Off!). Incidintally, I'm picking up the dusty laptop at the end of my twelve day glutenous, lethargic winter vacation (bummer). And oh what a vacation it has been. Filled with more sugar, fat and carbohydrates than you, or I for that matter, dreamed possible. That's right folks, I celebrated Christmas and New Year in true Sunday Gravy style! But let's not dwell on the past, for it is the dawn of yet another year. Full of promise and delusions of grandeur. What awaits me in 2009 in the world of food and wine? Who can say? Only time will tell.

Let us concentrate on the here and now. Tonight is Saturday, the 3rd of January, and this evening's supper was just what I needed. A quiet, nice cozy night with my beautiful wife. A fine, if not simple, earthy glass of Nero D'Avola that complimented a quaint little meal consisting of thinly sliced rib-eye steak sitting proudly atop a fluffy pile of peppery arugula. I love this sort of cookery. It's simplicity is unwavering. There are several reasons for my fondness of this kind of dish. 1) It involves very little prep work or clean up. 2) It's satisfying. 3) Of course, it's delicious, which is obviously crucial to any dining experience.

So what's up for 2009? No self respecting blog would omit the ceremonial 'New Year Resolutions' portion on the 1st post of the New Year. And, while I'm not in the slightest a goal oriented person, I will, for your amusement and consideration offer the following resolution for 2009. Okay, deep breath, here I go:

I resolve to eat or drink one item a week I've previously disliked or have never tried before. That gives me 52 opportunities this year to discover culinary highs, and I'm sure more than a couple food flops. The items can be something as simple as a condiment I've found unpleasant in the past. Or perhaps a dish I told myself I would never try. I hope to find this a modest and comfortable attempt to leisurely explore new cuisines and flavors. My intention will be to provide a short paragraph each week on the results. It's a good thing my resolution was not to blog more. You know, in case I miss a week or two... heh. Oh man, some things never change!

This year will also introduce guest bloggers on Sunday Gravy, which I'm totally pumped about. Stayed tuned, and Happy New Year!

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