Friday, February 8, 2008

The Mighty, Mighty Panino

I've long been a fan of the famed Italian sandwich, the Panino (Panini for plural). It's like the ultimate grilled cheese sammy amplified with a Euro twist. Now I'll admit it, I'm one of those people that hates to get caught up with the latest and greatest. Whether it involves food, music, movies or otherwise, I'd like to think of myself as someone who doesn't follow the mindless mob mentality. Panini certainly has become one of the 'hot' (bad pun) new food items over the past few years. It seems like everywhere you turn it's Paniniville! From grocery stores, slick bistros and fast food chains, these grilled melted treats are all the rage.

I won't be a part of this lunacy, enough is enough!

But fate had other ideas. Much to my surprise and delight I received my very own panini press for Christmas from my in-laws.

You see? I had no choice... I had to give in! What kind of son-in-law would I be if I didn't fully explore the wonders of the Mighty Panino? That's rhetorical, you don't have to answer that.

The possibilities are endless with panini. You can go Philly Cheese Steak style. Perhaps travel to Paris and put a french twist with a croque monsieur. Or just go with a classic Italian version as I did my first time out. That's right, I was playing it safe and I didn't care. My first Panino was filled with thinly sliced prosciutto and Fontina cheese. I drizzled a mixture of olive oil and balsamic vinegar for the dressing. The addition of a few basil leaves gave the sammy a nice fragrant brightness that was seriously OTH. This is a version I will definitely revisit soon.

But alas, I must press on. Next up, oven roasted turkey breast and Havarti cheese...good combination. I tossed in sun dried tomatoes for some tangy/sweet goodness and it worked really, really well.

Panini is extremely versatile, but the one thing I would strongly suggest is to only use cheeses that melt well: mozzarella, Jack, Fontina, etc. I tried Smoked gouda and it just wasn't the cheesy wonder I thought it would be. Your bread options are pretty much limitless. Rye, Ciabatta, good ol' white name it!

So yeah, I jumped on the proverbial panini bandwagon...and I'm a happier person for it. Do yourself a favor and get in the kitchen and grill up some tasty treats for you and your friends!

1 comment:

Gibby Tyme said...

I'm lickin' my lip and chompin' my gums!

I'm definitely on that PANINO wagon.

Hail the Indy Paninier, J-Rock!