Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl Chomp!

Maybe we should rename Super Bowl Sunday to something more accurate. Gluttony Day comes to mind! When it comes to eating, I'm certain that no other day has the kind of self imposed detrimental affect on the human body than game day. There really isn't a single item amongst the buffalo wings, "little Smokey's," Chips and the countless array of dips, that won't make waistlines across America expand.

This, my friends, is my kind of day.

It's easy to blindly throw caution to the wind and almost literally hook one's self up to a nacho cheese iv, but come on people, we're better than that! I decided this year to step back and make Super Bowl Sunday a smidgen more healthy than usual. I came across a recipe that looked pretty killer. It was a braise of Pork shoulder, chipotle chile's and beer....sounded like a winning combo to me. Okay, okay, you got me, pork shoulder contains a good amount of fat. And beer isn't exactly low fat. Especially Kona Brewing company's delicious Pipeline Porter. What in the history of this blog makes you think I'm actually capable of eating healthy? Tisk, tisk silly reader.

All joking aside, there was a bit of fiber and roughage to cleanse the colon. Well, okay, we had a vegetable platter with broccoli and carrots with a side of garlic ranch to make it go down a little easier. So I did get something in my stomach that was remotely healthy...Touchdown!